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Mon-Fri: 9am - 7pm
Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm
Thursday 7:30 pm
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WEDNESDAY: 7:00 PM English/Spanish
7:30 AM - English
12:00 Noon - English
7:00 PM - Bilingual
Welcome to the Church of the Good Shepherd—the only Catholic church on Broadway.
Good Shepherd has been blessed by a rich legacy of dedicated men and women who worked
closely with the clergy not only in constructing our beautiful church but also in laying a strong
spiritual and social foundation upon which the present generation continues to build, inspiring
present and future generations of Catholic Christians to live their lives formed by Gospel values.
The parish is a ministry of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars. We are committed, as was St. Francis
of Assisi, to gospel brotherhood through poverty, chastity and obedience; to the proclamation of
the Good News by lives of service; and to minister humbly wherever the Spirit leads us and the
Church needs us. In all of our ministries, we hope that the core values that guide our communal
way of living are experienced by and shared with those we serve, including God’s People here at
Good Shepherd. For more information on the Capuchin Franciscans, visit
The liturgical life of the parish is strong and vibrant, supported and blessed by wide range of lay
ministries. A number of parish groups address both the spiritual needs of the faith community and
the pressing social needs of our neighborhood, our city, and the world. Each year we welcome
more and more adults into the Catholic faith through our RCIA program, and our thriving faith
formation program sees to the ongoing religious education of the parish’s children. We also host
a wide variety of cultural events throughout the year.
Thanks for visiting the website. As we continue to work together to build the Kingdom of God here
at Good Shepherd, we welcome you to participate with us in the life of the parish. Please check
the schedule for Mass times, other liturgical celebrations, social gatherings, group meetings and
special programs. If there’s anything in particular you were looking for that you didn’t find here,
please feel free to call the parish office for more information. Thanks as well for your support of
the parish through your prayers, encouragement, and participation. We look forward to meeting
For more information on tax deductible gifts to the parish, please visit the donation section of the
website. May God who can never be outdone in generosity bless you in abundance for yours!
Have you experienced an inkling, desire, or curiosity about religious life? Let 2025 be the year to explore it! Join the friars and other men discerning religious life for our 2025 discernment events. For more information, email, or visit our website here.
You are invited to Good Shepherd School’s 100th Anniversary Mass and Dinner Dance celebration on Thursday, May 15. The Mass will be at 3:00 p.m., with cocktails, dinner and dancing from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the VIP Country Club in New Rochelle. For more information and tickets, click here, and please spread the word to your friends in person and on social media.